Friday, 11 March 2011
Two days ago, Rania had another appointment with her Paediatrician, Dr Dore. He was very happy with how our little girl is growing and progressing at home. He adviced that our little princess to start on a bit of solid meals. Exciting!! Dr Dore adviced that Rania should start with a bit of rice, about a small spoon full per day for 3 days before trying out on other meals.
At her first bite, she made some funny and wierd looking faces. It was like she was saying to me "What is that Mommy, taste funny! But I want to try more!" Hehehe... The plan is to start her on plain porridge, followed by chopped vegetables thenon some fruits, a bit later. Rania's corrected age is actually about 5 months old. One of the reasons for her to start solids early is because to reduce chances of getting food allergy. She is taking it just fine!! Well done Princess!! Mommy and Daddy so proud of you!!