Wednesday-Saturday, 3-6 November 2010
Parent Crafting Room
Little Princess has been doing so well. She is gaining weight, pooing and weeing well. Her breathing has improved so much that her bottle and breast feeds are getting better as well. Her doctors and nurses are so pleased with her progress that they decided to let Hubby and i stay overnight at the hospital to look after our little girl even during night time. How exciting!!
Day 1 (Wednesday, 3 November 2010):
Tummy Playtime with Little Rania
Today, Rania weighs about 3194g. She needs to gain weight if she were to go home.
Hubby and I were very excited about parentcrafting. For today and tomorrow, Rania will still be in Room 9 of the Special Care Nursery, being closely watched by the nurses. Big news! Her tubing feed is finally removed. That means all her feed will be done by mouth all by herself. Now we are able to see her cute little nose much closely. The photo above is her latest photo without the tubing feed on, she is having tummy playtime with Daddy! HeHe.
At night, whenever little Rania is showing any cues for feeding, the nurse would phone us from our room. We received calls at 2.30 am and 5.30 am because little Rania was awake, demanding for her Mommy's milk Mommy's milk is the best! HeHe. It is very nice to be able to have a place where we can take a short nap between her feeds. Yippie!
Day 2 (Thursday, 4 November 2010):
Little Princess was weighed again today. She gained about 50g. Now she is 3244g!! Today is our second day of parentcrafting. Rania has graduated from using the electronic monitoring device that checks for her oxygen saturation and heart rate. It was not difficult trying to get used to not having the monitoring screen. Because in the past few days, we tried to avoid looking at the screen for any sign of desaturation. The second day at parentcraft went smoothly. Rania fed well today, good girl! She woke up at her favourite time of the day 2.30 am and 5.30 am.
Day 3 (Friday, 5 November 2010):
Room 9 Graduation to Parentcrafting Room
Little Princess was weighed again today before she spent the night with Mommy and Daddy. She weigh 3250g. She gained about 6 grams since yesterday. Just a little but still better than nothing.. Finally the day that we have been waiting for, Rania was transferred to our bedroom. We can now sleep close to each other like a real family. Yippie! The night went quite well. We had a wonderful night together.
Day 4 (Saturday, 6 November 2010):
Our special visitor, Aunty Leizel!! Thanks Leizel for dropping by!! We're all going to miss you lots!!
Tonight is yet another night that we are so much looking forward to have. Second night with the little one before we can bring her back home. Hope everything goes well! Looking forward for the big day tommorow, going home!