This blog is created in March 2010 to record updates of our life during the period of my PhD study here in Brisbane, Australia. My study in Brisbane started in March 2010 and is expected to complete in March 2014. This blog is also used to exclusively cover the story of our miracle baby, Rania Aleesya who was born on 8th July 2010 in Brisbane. This will hopefully update families and friends both in Brisbane and Brunei.
Her 1st Year Birthday Celebration

Preparation for Doa Selamat
Rania's Daddy back
Increased Milk Feed
More Gifts for Baby Rania
Nisfu Syaaban
The blessedness of Nisfu Syaaban lies in its night, which according to our calendar, fell on last night, a sign that Ramadan is just around the corner. Hubby and family gathered at my in-law's house last night to do mass Maghrib prayer, 3x recital of Surah Yassin, followed by Ishya, Hajat & Tasbih prayers. It is during this night that all prayers are answered by Allah and this would be the night for us all to grab this good opportunity for seeking repentence, purification for our hearts, and our spiritual self.
As usual, she's been really active and responsive to our voices. I'm really happy that she's progressing really well. Mummy and Daddy loves you a lot lil' Rania!!
Please make prayers for our Princess' continuous growth and development!!
May Allah bless our Baby Rania. Amin!!
Rania's Birth Certificate
Today, we have received Rania's birth certificate. It is huge, A3 size certificate!! It was delivered by hand to our apartment. I guess it is important that the certificate reaches the right parents for legal purpose. This is something that i think we as parents, both should be proud of!! I cannot believe that our eldest daughter is an Australian born girl!!
I think we will definitely show this off to family and friends!! It looks pretty good actually. Hubby and i didn't have such a fancy birth certificate, if i remember correctly our birth certificate during my time had to be made using a manual type-writer. Lucky girl!!
Maximum Milk Feed
Story Book for Rania
I bought a special story book for Rania today called ' Princess Princess'. Research shows that if we communicate more with her, she will recognize our voices even better. While I was reading the book she was wriggling around especially her cute lil foot and hands. She ocassionally open her eyes to look around. She is such a clever and active little princess. Today her feed is up to 8mls every 2hrs! Wow! I noticed some changer to her hair colour, very black compared to last time. Mummy and little Rania is missing her daddy a lot..
Increased Milk Feed
Good News
Kangaroo Cuddle
Princess Rania's Progress
Princess Rania's Diary
Today we have created a special diary for our lil' Princess Rania. The front cover is fully designed by Rania's daddy using nice stickers that we collected. Hubby stayed up all night doing this project. At the end it looked beautiful!! Princess Rania's diary will be filled in by baby nurses and doctors at the NICU based on her daily progress. It will be interesting to read them in the future especially when Rania has grown up and able to read.
After Birth Do's and Dont's
Oh today, dad is coming back to Brisbane. He arrived at 6am this morning. He brought a piece of specially made slimming cloth to wrap around my stomach area like a big belt. I'm also applying some hot lotion before putting the which contains lime, cinnamon, champor, ginger extract etc on my tummy area. Some women don't like wearing them because it is very tight and might get uncomfortable and hot (because of the lotion). I believed that this belt and lotion help to reduce that fat aroung the tummy...hehe. It works really well so far and i've noticed some differences already.
Some of our neighbours (Ka Nadia. Zaiham, Ka Shikin and little Anis) came to visit me at home and brought some gifts for Princess Rania. The gifts are cute clothes which we love so much! Thanks a lot for the gifts!
Birth Registration: Rania Aleesya
We had to give a serious thought on what to name our little princess as, and after a long discussion, Hubby and I had settled for a very gorgeous combination - Rania Aleesya. The name "Rania" came from arabic which stands for contented with happiness (di penuhi dengan keceriaan, kegembiraan). The name "Aleesya" is also from arabic which stands for protected by god (di lindungi tuhan). This names are quite suitable for her because she brings happiness in our lives and with Allah's protection, she had gone through an earlier than expected delivery and Alhamdulillah she had miracoulously survived. Our future vision for our future generation is to keep the name "Aleesya" for the second name for all our daughters, Insya Allah. The name Rania also comes from a sanscript which stands for Princess. When we looked it up in the internet, the same name was given to Princess Rania of Jordan. A very gorgeous muslim lady!! We hope our lil Rania will grow and become as beautiful as her. Amin! The name Aleesya is also the name of the famous Malaysian actress, Erra Fazira.
Going Home
Anyway, I wasn't sure what I'm feeling at the moment. Rania will be spending quite a long time in the NICU. But she will be under the care of expert. As for us, we will be visiting her everyday. Actualy, I really miss her kicking in my tummy. It was the most beautiful experience I ever felt. All that we can do now is to pray for her quick recovery and exit from the NICU. What is wonderful at the moment is that, I'm finally a Mommy!
Rania: Thanks Nini Girl for the Blanket
Other than what Hubby and i bought for our little Princess, her first gift is from her Nini girl. Mum is the only closest family member we have at the time Rania was born. She bought her a little pink blanket with a small embroidery of two rabbits, which she bought from the gift shop at ground floor of RBWH. She said this blanket should keep little Rania warm especially at current cold weather here. Very thoughtful! Thanks Mum!
Medical Costs Cover
We have been wanting to take photo of the RBWH building. Hubby finally managed to take photos of the building. He was approached by a traffic law enforcer telling him not to take photo of the building because it is a government owned property, but thankfully that was after he took the shot!! Lucky!!
It was really a shock of a life time when the medical cost was announced to us on the first few days i was admitted at the hospital. Lets just say it could easily cost about AUD 400,000 for both my treatment before and after labour, including the whole treatment of baby in the neonatal intensive care unit after our baby is born. Alhamdulillah, it really is a blessing that the medical cost is covered by the OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover). Real blessing!! Syukur Alhamdulillah!!
My stay at maternity ward wasn't all that quiet. Hubby was next to me all the time. I had a couple of visitors while i was admitted at RBWH. They include my supervisors Prof Greg Anderson and my other collegues. We talked about alot of things including my PhD plan whilst i'm at the hospital. I also had some Bruneians friends coming over but unfortunately i didn't manage to capture the moments on photo. Thanks for everyone's support!!
Activities in the Ward
Since I'm on bed rest, there's nothing much that I can do. Few days ago hubby bought the USB internet for me to surf in the ward room. That really helps to keep my boredom away :). Apart from internet surfing, we tried to make my stay in the hospital more interesting. Hubby bought $200 worth of scrapbook items including the magazine and dvd. We learn how to make a scrapbook more interesting by looking at some ideas in the internet as well. Oh yeah, the scrapbook will contain my pregnancy experience, photo of my baby bump, bed rest experience and of course will also contain photos of our lovely baby. It is still work in progress, but the wheels are turning slowly, but surely. Apart from scrapbooking, hubby also bought some puzzles book (which mum likes to play!), story books, upword board games and picture puzzles. Took some photos of our activities.. Check it out :)
My Daily Meals
During my stay here at the hospital, meals are given 3 times per day. In the morning, normally they will serve tea, cereals and bread. If I feel like eating something else, my mum would bring some home cook food such as mee mamak or fried rice. As for lunch, sometimes they will serve some salad or hot food such as vegetable roll, tuna patty, macaroni cheese (my favourite!), vegetable lasagna and some fish fillet with loads of vegetables and sometimes mash potatoes. But mum and hubby would normally bring some home cook food to the ward and we'll eat together. Took some photos of the foods, enjoy!
A Day Out at RBWH Cafe
Thanks hubby for keeping the blog updated. Hubby bought a wireless broadband kit from the 'yes' OPTUS for AUD 75. Now, i'm finally able to enjoy the freedom of net surfing again. I can check emails, update blogs, check what friends are up to in facebook, check out stuffs and many more.

False Alarms
My wife is currently at her 25th weeks 1 day (6 months 1 week) and 18th day on bed rest at the RBWH.
She had some mild pain at her lower abdominal area on Friday last week. She was immediately rushed to the delivery ward for labour but after several investigtions, it was only a false alarm. The doctors decided that she carry on with the pregnancy and was brought back to the maternity ward.
Today, she experienced similar sort of pain like the one on Friday. Several investigations were done only to find out it was also another false alarm. This time, she was given a steroid injection to help baby lungs maturation.
All the doctors can say is ‘just wait and see’. Those words have been lingering in my mind every now and then. There is nothing the doctors can do to make her pregnancy reach full term. They said it would be a miracle if it does. And there is also nothing they can do to stop the baby from deciding to come out. But they can help make sure my wife is in the best possible condition to carry on with her pregnancy.
We are counting the days - a day at a time. We just keep our hopes up and pray every day that my wife would be able to get through this for another 4 weeks at least until the 29 weeks gestation (7 months and 1 week). That is when the baby is usually healthy enough and can be safely delivered without much complications.
Ya Allah, please save our little baby!!!