Her 1st Year Birthday Celebration

Her 1st Year Birthday Celebration

Lab Work Procedure

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

The whole week this week, i made an effort to start the day at work early. Simply because I got a lot of catching up to do, particularly brushing up on my lab techniques. Last week, one of my experiments didn't work out as expected because of wrong techniques, kinda frustrating. But to be on the positive side of things, i did learn something from my mistakes. Sometimes i had to come back late to finish off some stuffs but it was worthed because I manage to do some of the experiments on my own now.

This is what is keeping me up late in the office. Basically what I'm doing is to check the quality of tissues that I have extracted from some animal models. It's quite an easy technique which anybody can master. But whats frustrating is that this thing took 1hr or more time to complete. Even preparation might take more than 1hr or more.  Again on the positive side of it, it teaches me to be patience.

Let me bring you through some parts of my work that I did today.

The gray box above is the power pack that will supply electricity to the sample gel basin which will then charge the gel. The subject tissue extractions is loaded onto the gel, which is the one in blue colour. The test requires me to let the sample on the basin run for about 1hr at 60v.

After one hour, I then took out the gel with the tissue extractions into a dark room, put it onto this machine, which basically emits light, leave it for a while so that the gel will absorbs some of the lights. All I need to do then was to turn the light off and you will see the photo below.

Special type of camera will then be used to get image of this. Just like the one above but in black and white. What I was hoping to see was the double bright band in the photo below, which signifies that that the tissue quality is reasonably good. Success!!

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